Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Food Rules

Perhaps, food activist and author, Michael Pollan, said it best when he recommended his readers to follow these three main rules for eating: Eat Real, Mostly Plants, and Not Too Much.  Although these rules may seem simple enough for some people yet overwhelming for others, know that these attainable changes take time and perhaps it is best to consider eating real most of the time, eating mostly plants most of the time, and not too much for the vast majority of the time.

Food Rules is Pollan’s simple guide for helping consumers navigate what to eat (who would have ever thought you would need a guide for this.  Oh how times change!).  See the tools for great health panel (on the right-hand side of the page) to purchase Food Rules along with other informative Michael Pollan books. This easy read discusses 64 rules for eating.  Personally, it was a great help as I was beginning to transform my diet one day and one goal at a time.  Below are just a few of my favorites.
  • Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize as food.
  • Don’t eat anything with more than five ingredients, or ingredients you can't pronounce.
  • Don't eat anything that won't eventually rot (honey is an exception).
  • Enjoy meals with the people you love.
  • Don't buy food where you buy your gasoline.
If you have the time, take a look at this short interview with Michael Pollan in which he explains how he came up with these simple rules.

For more inspiring and informative videos, go to the videos page.


    1. I love this :) but any recommendations on where to find food that's "real"?

    2. :) You are one step ahead of me. I will be posting about implementing the rules later this evening! You can start by raiding the produce section of the supermarket and even the frozen veggies/fruit section. But make sure the frozen veggies that you get don't have any added salt. The ones that have seasoning packets are most often loaded with unnecessary sodium. Good luck on your journey. Keep the questions coming!



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