We talked about eating real, now to drinking real! According to a report released by the CDC in August 2011, the average American drinks 1 soda or sugary beverage a day. The other day as I entered the elevator with a woman carrying a can of Coke, I was hoping and praying that she wasn’t drinking it with her breakfast. It wouldn't be far fetched as at least 1 in 20 people drinks the equivalent of more than four cans of soda each day (I suppose you can get an extra head start at breakfast). If you are that 1 in 20, no worries, because you're journey has to begin somewhere!!!
Health officials recommend that sugary beverage intake should be reduced to less than a can a day. Convert the grams of sugar that’s in a typical 12-ounce can of soda and it’s like drinking 10 teaspoons of sugar, meanwhile a 20-ounce bottle is a delicious 16 teaspoons of sugar. Need some visual imagery, check out the alarming video below.