It’s recommended to consume 2,300 mg of sodium a day and 1,500 mg if you are African American, 51 years or older, or suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney disease. Unfortunately, the convenience foods of the U.S. food system (not convenient for our health I might add) make it nearly impossible to reach these recommendations (I say nearly because where there is a will there is certainly a way). If you are the 1 in 18 individuals who meets this goal, kudos to you. For the vast majority of Americans, however, salt is something we need to cut back on. Salt is not only found in foods that we think of as salty, such as pickles and soups, but also in foods that we don't even consider salty. According to the Mayo Clinic, over 3/4 of the sodium in our diets comes from processed food. Consequently, reducing these foods is the perfect place to start! If you aren't doing so already, start looking at nutrition labels to get a sense of how much salt you currently eat.