Food is meant to provide us with energy and nourishment, hence it’s essential to start your day with a well-balanced, hearty breakfast. If you don’t know where to begin your gradual diet and lifestyle make-over, this important meal should be the first place to look! Not only will eating breakfast nip your hunger in the bud, but it can also improve your mind clarity and concentration. Aiming for a balance between protein, healthy fats, and complex grains instead of hyper-concentrations of sugar is key. This may mean passing on the banana nut muffin or the decadent butter croissant if you frequent Starbucks or Dunkin’ Donuts.
People often argue that they’re not hungry when they wake up in the morning. In this case, a banana in a pinch is certainly better than nothing at all, but it feeds into the potential cycle of overeating. By skipping breakfast and waiting until noon or so to eat, we are famished by the time we get home, which leads to going overboard at night. This evening overload of food contributes to the skip-breakfast cycle by leaving us satiated when we wake.