Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fiber 201

So we know there are two different types of fiber--soluble and insoluble--and that we need to consume more fiber in general. See a recap of these fibers below. 

Soluble fiber: dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance. This type of fiber has been found to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels. 
Insoluble fiber: does not dissolve in water and helps waste move throughout our digestive systems and increases the bulk in our stools.  This form of fiber is beneficial for preventing colon cancer. 
It's recommended to consume 25-30 g of total fiber every day, with 25% from soluble fiber and 75% from insoluble fiber.  To start adding up the amount of fiber you eat each day, use the provided table as well as the resource from Harvard University's Health Services mentioned below. If you are eating foods that include a nutrition label, add those values in too to get you to your grand total for the day.

Food Source
Soluble Fiber (g)
Insoluble Fiber (g)
CEREAL GRAINS (1/4 cup cooked)
Psyllium seeds, ground (1 Tbsp)51
FRUIT (1 medium fruit)
Blackberries (1/2 cup)13
Citrus Fruit (orange, grapefruit)20.5
Prunes (1/4 cup)1.51.5
LEGUMES (½ cup cooked beans or peas)
Black Beans23.5
Kidney Beans33
Lima Beans3.53
Navy Beans24
Northern Beans1.54
Pinto Beans25
Lentils (yellow, green, orange)17
Chick Peas15
Black eyed Peas14.5
VEGETABLES (½ cup cooked)
Brussels Sprouts31.5
Also, see a comprehensive table released by Harvard University's Health Services (click here). This would be great to print off and keep handy. On you marks, get set, go (eat more fiber)!!

See the recipes page for fiber-rich meal ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen a doctor regarding my digestion and I was told it's extremely important for me to get the recommended amount of fiber in my diet daily. Since I have been working out recently, I thought this would be a good time to learn more about foods with naturally occurring fiber. This chart is now hanging at my desk. Thanks so much for the Fiber 101 and 102 articles!



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