Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Going, Going, Going--Healthy Eating in a Hectic Life

Beep, beep, beep.  7:00 am--work, check; 3:00 pm--class, check; 5:00 pm--internship, check; 12:00 am pillow, check.  Looking back at my life in NYC, I wonder how I did it all AND managed to follow a healthy lifestyle (well, working at a gym certainly helped!).  If your routine sounds similar, and perhaps even carpooling and soccer practice for the kids sprinkled in, you’re probably eagerly reading this in hopes to add healthier eating habits to your hectic lifestyle.
Eating healthy on the go is a common concern for the average person in a society that values productivity in the workplace over productivity in the kitchen.  Meanwhile, the foods that are more readily available when on the go are often those that we should limit.  Sodas, sugary beverages, chips, candy bars, you name it and it mostly should be avoided.

Below are tips for healthier eating on the go.  Note how I added -ier instead of healthy, because the healthfulness of food certainly lies on a continuum.  Obviously, grabbing a Kashi granola bar in a pinch is better than a bag of Lay’s potato chips, but the reality is that a piece of fruit with trail mix surely beats out the Kashi “food-like substance.”


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