Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The (In)Convenient Fruit

It’s hard to peel, my fingers will smell, I don’t have a trash can, I can’t afford organic, it costs too much, it goes bad. Excuses, excuses--there will certainly always be those to find now won’t there! As I listened to my friend round off his excuses and the common difficulties of eating fruit, I sarcastically responded with “Ah, the inconveniences of life, tsk tsk.” Putting things into perspective, my friend so eloquently responded, “not more inconvenient than ill health.”   “Yes, he sees the light,” I think to myself.  Sure a bit of venting about our obstacles helps in the moment, but life circumstances are not convenient and plain and simple, we need to get over these obstacles and JUST DO IT.  Taking action, in this case, surely beats the alternative.  Below are responses to some common inconveniences of fruit.

It’s hard to peel (and my fingers will smell):  I certainly concur with this common excuse as I look down after my 3 pm snack and my fingers are adorned with white residue and smell like freshly peeled grapefruit (peeling surely saves more time than cutting, plus I eat the white part, which does a body good anyway).  Although I don't agree with the constant use of antibacterial hand sanitizer (super bug, anyone?), for a compromise, this is an excellent occasion to use it if you're soooo engrossed in work that you can’t step away to wash your hands.  

Another remedy is to start off eating the easy-to-eat fruit and gradually progressing to others once you get tired of eating the same fruit over and over again.  Bananas, grapes (pre-washed at home), pears, apples (if you don’t like biting apples, cut it up in the AM), and plums are great to start off with. You can always spare the mangoes and pomegranates for at-home eating, which are great for family science-time in the kitchen.

It costs too much (I can’t afford organic):  Yes, this is certainly an inconvenience of fresh fruit.  Per calorie, fruit costs more than processed foods and organic fruit costs even more.  When comparing cost per nutrient and health benefits, however, the cost of fruit is priceless.  Realistically, investing in the health of you and your family today, will prevent long term health care costs in the future.  So, the next time you’re at the grocery store, consider how much is spent at a fast food restaurant or a night at the movies; $2.99/lb of apples or even $3.99/lb for organic varieties may not be that bad.

It goes bad:  The most logical remedy for preventing fruit from going bad is simple--EAT IT!  The true convenience of fruit is it can easily be thrown into a bag to eat throughout the day and while on the go.  I recall my moments of busting out my apple on the NYC subway in hopes that it would encourage a bystander to grab a piece of fruit for the day.  And who says it just has to be an apple a day?  Don’t hesitate to eat more fruit if you have more around.  But while you’re at it, make sure to get in a lot of water to prevent any inconvenient bloating.

As I always recommend, if fruit is where you’re starting your quest for great health, remember to base your goal on what you're currently eating.  For someone who doesn't eat any fruit during the week, this means aiming for one piece on three days out of the week to start.  Remember it’s not where you begin your journey, but where you are going.   

On you’re marks, get set, GO eat fruit.  You’re colon and heart will thank you in the long run.

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